Brown v. Board of Education: Cold War Case

As we discuss the United States of America in the mid 20th Century, it is very important to realize how many eyes and cameras are pointed to the States’ direction.  Known as a world power and “hailed as [a] leader of the democratic world,” it makes complete sense for the USA to be held responsible for the actions of its government. The idea of ‘equal opportunity’ for each and every citizen is very contradictive and takes a large turn for what the US stands for and how it treats its people as a whole. When persecuting and becoming involved with other world nations about their actions against their own citizens, it’s imperative for the US to be held accountable. The governments own actions will completely shape how other nations see us and will determine whether or not they will continue to be held up on a pedestal for all to see.

As a whole, Brown v. Board was a step in the right direction letting the integration of schools happen and completely extinguish the terrible stigma of  ‘separate but equal.’  Said extremely well in “West African Pilot, published in Lagos, Nigeria… [the US] should set an example for all other nations by taking the lead in removing from its national life all signs and traces of racial intolerance, arrogance or discrimination for which it criticizes some other nations.”

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